So this past weekend (reason for lack of blogging) was an experience in eastern Pennsylvania in which field hockey players, including myself (and Bre) gathered together to play competitively and possibly be evaluated by coaches at higher level institutions. So on we went to West Chester University in West Chester, PA., and I found myself grouped on Team "South Africa," which allowed me to be able to play on a team with an energetic Canadian, a legitimate "B.E.N.N.Y.," and a Chicago native, to name only a few. In our discussions about diversity and our sessions allowing us to brag about why our homes are the best (I totally won those arguments), we had an exchange of music in our last night of camp. Let me tell you, I heard some music and found out about artists that I had to ask how to spell the name at least three times. The Canadian mentioned this band TV on the Radio, and the name definitely caught my eye, so I checked them out today when I got home. "Wolf Like Me" is a really cool song, not gonna lie. So besides being completely made fun of for how I said "hot" and "water" and being told my accent is like The Sopranos, I found out some really cool music and made some genuinely different friends.