Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Entry #1

When it comes to music, everyone has their own opinions. These opinions may be about their favorite band or singer, or might be completely against a certain musician as well. Favorites, and the hated, can sway and switch any day of the week or change with genre, which is where this blog comes into play. The contrast between the music of yesterday and the music of today is constantly growing, and someone, somehow, can make a comparison between rap and classic rock. If you have it "Any Way You Want It" with Journey frontman Steve Perry and live the "Good Life" with rapper Kanye West, and there's no saying what kind of music you'll like tomorrow, and you'll find it all here.


Mr. Ketelaar said...

We have a Steve Perry sighting! Bonus points for the reference, Ashley.

Mr. Ketelaar said...

Hey Ashley! Please check my blog for links to everybody else's.